
I just feel so blessed right now. A word THANK YOU just not enough.

I was worried about things lately and when Calvin told me the good news. I’m kinda relief a bit and I’m happy. And my mind just kept on thanking God for helping us again and again. Either is a big issue or not. It doesn’t matter. I been asking God, what should I do and I know I should ride the road a head of me that he had plan for me. But God, really thank you for being there for me all the time. You have always watching us from above.

So, I was dead to bored today at work. Work had be done and been browsing net for something to read. I always end up looking at professional photography and see what they have on their port folio. I been practicing but I guess, I need a friends that have same interest. I mean someone who I can go out and do something together. Calvin always been busy and he don’t help me at all. He never show me pointer in shooting for editing. Maybe it’s time for me to have my time. Maybe I should let him feel how I feel for not getting attention from someone. Will he care if I’m not home all the time??? I want to get better and be more interested in camera. Instead of buying clothes and stuffs, I want to invest on camera and lenses.

I always wanted to have my own study room. Where I can do all my scrapbook, photography and etc. I already know how to design my own room. I wanted a studio room too. Gosh, I want a lot of things. If I have kids or pets. I pity for them. They gonna be my model.

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