Girls Time Off

I have to skip my trip blog for today. I’m trying to be on current on my entries.

I went out with Elaine yesterday. I wanted to do grocery as we have nothing at home and Calvin been wanting for eat home lately. So, I texted Elaine if she wanted to come along since I know she always free and it’s nice to have a company.

We went to had lunch at a dim sum place coz both of us can’t think about anywhere and we not so hungry. And we had a good lunch and we really catch up with a lot of stuffs. It’s always nice to chat with some girl friend and talked about what’s been bothering me. Not that I don’t talk to Calvin. Just prefer to have more advised or thinking. One’s mind is too limited and we can’t always think straight.

Anyhow, we headed off to grocery and I had so much fun. I can’t remember when the last time I went shopping with the girls. And I spent most my afternoon at her place and transferring files to my computer. What else can it be? Chinese drama series again! Now, I have something to keep me busy for a bit. Oh…… we stop by at the mall too and we both bought something cute to bring home. *wink wink*

Us Having Lunch

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3 Response to "Girls Time Off"

  1. Calvin says:
    May 28, 2009 at 6:07 PM


  2. Elaine Says:
    May 31, 2009 at 10:34 PM

    OH my god... can't belive you mentioned me 2 times in your blog.... feeling happy.. hahaha

  3. JennBunny says:
    June 1, 2009 at 11:26 AM

    He he he.............