Lily's Birthday Party

Attended Lily’s birthday party on Saturday. It was fun and get to see the cute little faces. I enjoyed playing with the kids and try to understand them as kids are smarter now.

My life been always kids around me. Even when I was younger, my mom will paid me to take care of my sisters. Meaning got paid for babysit them. I learned to changed diaper, made milk for them and etc. Sometimes, I felt like a young mummy. Since I have not around with kids, I got nervous especially when they needed to go to the bathroom. I see it as a training for me and be prepare for my own kids.

Anyways, my camera battery was dead which I forgot to charge it. Maybe I spent to much time watch Taiwan show. Can’t stop when you started watching it. Well, I managed to take some of the pictures but only on the pinata. I nev er know about pinata till I came to the states. How pathetic I am don’t you think? I never had that in my life. So, I never hit on a pinata before. How sad!

For those who don’t know like me. Here is the discription.
Wikipedia ~ A pinata is a brightly-colored paper container filled with candy, small fruit and / or toys. It is generally suspended on a rope from a tree branch or ceiling and is used during celebrations. A succession of blindfolded, stcik-wielding children try to break the pinata in order to collect the sweets, small fruits (traditionally peanuts, sweet limes, sugarcane) and / or toys inside of it. It has been used for hundreds of years to celebrate special occasion such as birthday, Christmas and Easter.

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